Staff Training Assessment

Staff Training Assessment

To gauge the effectiveness of training, we need some information. Thank you for your help!

(number month you were born + middle initial + last two digits of your phone number)
Please choose the one that describes you:(Required)

Please rate yourself on your current confidence level with the following things. These are to help guide us during staff training and the summer, you are not graded or judged on these rankings.

1 - Least Confident 5- Most Confident
Ability to speak in front of a large group of people.(Required)
Ability to teach an activity for 15 people.(Required)
Ability to plan an activity for 15 people.(Required)
Ability to use creative problem solving.(Required)
Ability to observe a situation and react.(Required)
Ability to resolve conflict between two people.(Required)
Ability to give and receive feedback.(Required)
Ability to help a group cooperate and make decisions.(Required)
Ability to create a community.(Required)
Ability to handle stress, anxiety, and frustration.(Required)